It happens to all of us one day or another. Perhaps while you’re on your favorite vacation, or just returned from it, when it’s minus a million degrees outside or when your car ceases, when your boss is just being unkind or when your kids are screaming, when your family moves in or refuses to move out… well, you get the picture.
And what exactly is it that happens you ask? The immediate urge to escape, to re-locate, to start over, to hop on that plane, boat, car or motorcycle and scurry to your getaway home on the beaches of Mexico!! That’s what happens to all of us, one day or another. And for some, that urge has been fulfilled, for a few, the dream has been put into on mode and for others, well, the itch still itches.
In the following lines, I will try to walk you through the steps and the process that will allow you to get ON that plane, boat, car or motorcycle car and lead you to open YOUR door to your Baja getaway or at the very least, to ease the itch.
In this order you will: search, find, view, like, offer, negotiate, hug your favorite Coldwell Banker Riveras Real Estate Agent cause they made it happen, close, pack and enjoy… YES! It IS as simple as ABC.
You Search
You may have visited the Baja before, or this may be your first time, or you’ve never even been here before and have heard about “Baja California Sur” on your favorite TV show; whatever the reason, let the search begin! Best place to start: You can search for all properties for sale in baja california sur here in our website your one-stop-shop to all real estate in Baja California Sur.
You Find
Over 2,500 properties to tickle your senses! Is it a condo? A community home? Perhaps a duplex to reap the benefit of rental income? Is it that perfect lot to build the dream house? Regardless what it is that caught your eye, you select a few favorites and allow those images to intrude on your every moment, day and night.
You View
So now you’ve hopped on a plane, boat, car or motorcycle, arrived safely to southern Baja and are touring these findings with your favorite Coldwell Banker Riveras Real Estate Agent. Pictures can say 1000 words, or say nothing at all. You feel enthusiastic, disappointed, content, amazed, wondrous, anxious, worried, restless and overall excited as the dream slowly turns into project.
You Offer
After a couple of days (or hours) you have selected the perfect pad for your needs. It matches most of your checklist and you become eager to embark on this journey. As you sit and discuss with your favorite Coldwell Banker Riveras Real Estate Agent, you draw up an offer to purchase that will soon be presented to the Seller of your chosen property. Now it’s for real!
You Negotiate
Well, actually, your favorite Coldwell Banker Riveras Real Estate Agent negotiates, hard, for you, his/her client.
It’s now time for that hug!
As you are still embraced, your favorite Coldwell Banker Riveras Real Estate Agent has already started the ball rolling, meaning; has gathered all necessary paperwork, has introduced your to our Closing department, and, has joined you for a celebratory dinner/drink!
You Close
Just a few short weeks following that drink, (yes, it can be that fast!) you are either returning to sign your own closing or have sent in your power of attorney prior and are having a Margarita on us! Either way, start packing!
You Pack and Enjoy
It’s time to reap the benefits. Whether you have chosen to stay in your resort home for a short or longer time, to rent it temporarily or long term, to offer it to your kids, grandkids, friends, or your boss (he may actually be the one to thank!), the dream-turned-project is now a reality and best of all, it was as easy as ABC.
Does this sound crazy? Un-realistic? Too good to be true? Well, it’s the truth. Buying your dream home does not have to be complicated, confusing and stressful. Our pledge to you is quite the contrary. Try us, for the sake of the itch.
Remember, our local experts, your peace of mind!